
Teaching is a passion, not just a profession. We understand your commitment to educating students, and are similarly committed to helping you experience financial success in your career.

Aldrich Investment Management specializes in serving teachers and faculty members, including current and former employees of the Clark County School District (CCSD). We are especially familiar with and experienced in navigating the investment options available within the CCSD 403(b) plan and the associated administrative tasks within your account.

Our goal is to provide an easy solution for your investment needs. We’ll walk you through our 4-step process to set you on the path to success:


We gather your personal financial information and learn about your wealth goals.


After analyzing the data we prepare personalized recommendations to accomplish your goals.


A group meeting is held to discuss our recommendations and implement upon your approval.


We continuously monitor your portfolio and make changes as needed, per market conditions or your personal situation.

Our recommendations will typically include advice on the following topics, as applicable:


  • Placement and movement of assets within your school district’s 403(b) plan
  • College savings plans for children or grandchildren
  • Life/disability/long-term care insurance coverage
  • Short-term investments for immediate needs
  • Fixed income investments, including annuities
  • Alternative investments

Work toward financial independence with

Aldrich Investment Management.

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Aldrich Investment Management